I met the friends of Sami S, shortly after I arrived in Goa, in January 2014. I'm sorry to Taieee, who was staying on the same houseboat, I did not ask to be friends on facebook. Praying for the families who lost SG.
In May I was in Dharamshala, and was lucky enough to be able to listen to the Dalai Lama speak. He spoke about the unification of the humans of the Earth. I did look him right in the eyes, he did look right at me too I think :D
There have been Tibetan monks who have set themselves on fire, I believe because they felt so taken advantage of, especially when Tibet was invaded by China.
I just did have a landlady with the same last name as de Wit, an actual murderer. And parents with the same names as a close friend of SG, Lucy & Denis. And a friend I met in Rishikesh was flatmates with the Canadian ex of Dmitri my brotha, the two women met in Aus. Synchronicities only. Randee Noodle Doordash. Salvador Dali tarot, LSD (is it a hard pill to swallow, or just a tough nut to crack?), Jim the surreal artist from New Castle. Tay. Canadian Queens. "Hey Bre, how many times have you watched Pineapple Express?!" Women Who Run With Wolves. The Truman Show. Royals. Sarahs. They guess so.

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Sami played for Sarah often. My ex boyfriend Zac passed in a motorcycle accident summer 2015, saw the Weeknd at FVDED in the Park afterwards, out in SUrrey. The longest train ride ever back to our basement, tea and housecoats forever is what we agreed upon. A friend once had a dream of us driving my little red hyundai accent and riding a huge wave with Auntie Shawn to something magical. Started hypnotherapy that August. Released a lot of emotion about feeling that parents didn't care enough. I know that everyone on planet Earth loves me and supports my facet that is only love, please stop eating animal products. Angels.
Zack And Brie Shipping container homes.
Zak and Sara
Saw this film on the Air France flight to India, this song was very popular. SS reminded both B and I of the man in the film. I thought He may have been close to suicide, burst into tears when he said stabbed 37 times, in the chest, and in the back, by Richard de Wit. To defend that his family is innocent, and I wasn't sure if I am brave enough. I TRUST. I heard last from SS when he was asking to, knows I care.
This song reminds me of SS Also, they dressed the same :)
Recently heard that AP another ex of mine overdosed and passed, I am wanting the lives and rights of all vulnerable animals to be protected & respected :D
This song would remind me of AP, thought he may have already been a dad, before I heard.
My pepere passed 1 day after my birthday in 2009, his obituary is in the Saskatoon StarPhoenix. Truly I am sorry for being disconnected. I am looking forward to reuniting :D
Started Unlock Your Life Hypnotherapy August 2015. Started using Sarah Dresser's personalized recordings and once thought my mind had opened to God, Orion is an Angel I have spoken to, said "I want to know everything". December 6, 2015 I experienced a kundalini energy awakening, after smoking a very small amount of cannabis. I found out years later that it is the same Dec. 6 that the little girl in the film "The Lovely Bones" was murdered in. Wounded my mind. Also thought God told me don't eat animals, animals have souls. Thought "They" acted like a dementor, sucked the love out of my body, told me that I am "no longer human". Had just made the choice to consume my mom's tourtiere with beef & pork, thought the devil had tempted me, I did not pass the test. Opened the bulletin at the church for christmas eve mass, there was a story about the priest who had gone on a camping trip. At one point the group was sitting around a fire at night. He looked into the forest and saw the eyes of animals shining back at him. The most scared I'd ever been.

Both the Dalai Lama, The Universe in your Hand author Christophe Galfard, and I (when journaling) have used the phrase "whatever that means", whatever that means. Ideas and Opinions is for mon oncle Jerome, with the Akashic Record card (clearing old stories! from the Gateway of Light Activation Oracle Kyle Gray and Jennifer Hawkyard deck). My dad was reading it when I was 3! Phoenix Generation is about a new way to perceive reality. Please listen to Joaquin Phoenix and his fight for animal's rights and lives, Earthlings film if you dare.
And in the end, it is believe that everyone on earth loves and supports you, and especially I am protected by my guardian angel :D
Last night I ate 1/2 a chocolate mug brownie, using cannabis infused coconut oil (that I had just been given), was for sure thinking that I am in my mind's eye and felt "murdery" feelings, not fun, today I feel fine. Passed out fully in a shop the other day, only use cannabis where it is totally safe. Remembered my amazing and huge families. I do fear that individuals who choose to eat meat do fear on some level that they too also "deserve to die". I do have family members who recently killed elk, I do forgive them, I know they are GOOD.. I told him he's not allowed to say that, only believe the positives. My dad's eldest sister Marie-Ange passed summer 2020, and so did my mom's cousin and his wife, double suicide. Please support the homeless and especially be compassionate to those with addictions, some may be the most hurt, I'm fairly sure, except their souls are my lights, and I never want to label anyone as anything that they would not agree with.
Good work/job Bre 🤣😍😘